It is well known that creating video content is more time taking than static graphics.

We know that you are making high-quality YouTube videos and getting significant views. Still, it is difficult to analyze why you are not capturing more subscribers. Telling it very frankly, providing great content to the audience is just one factor you are working on. Oftentimes, this type of digital marketing sucks!  

Just posting the content on YouTube will not suffice the need. What you need to do is to add some strategies wisely into your YouTube marketing plan to stand where you want. In this document, you will come across those tips.

So, without wasting any time, let’s begin.

  1. Utilize Other Social Media Channels

Why are we saying this? Though you are already utilizing a social media platform but you are not promoting it on other forums. So, in order to grab more subscribers, you need to endorse your YouTube channel on other mediums like websites, blogs, and other social media channels. It is to say you must keep up the promotion as long as you win the desired number of subscribers. Use every possible medium to spread the voice.  

  1. Keep a Content Calendar

Your loyal audience looks for your content. When they are not provided with something they are interested in, then you know the rest. Here, the uploading schedule matters. Preferably, keep a content calendar for when you are supposed to post the content. This is how you can gain more subscribers by posting content at that point of time when exactly your potential consumers seek for.

  1. Audience Engagement

Your audience is everything. So, if you’re unable to interact with your audience properly and timely, then might be you will not win their satisfaction. Seeing and replying to their comments is somewhat mandatory as you will get a clear picture of what they think about your content and what they want. By doing so, you could see an increase in your subscriber percentage.

  1. Your Channel Needs SEO

As per statistics, there are more than 1.9 billion active users on YouTube. Like other blog posts, YouTube videos also require SEO. What will happen? The ranking of videos in this second largest search engine on the web will be high – second to Google, Youtube’s search volume is far higher than Bing, Yahoo, etc. So, find relevant keywords of your niche by using tools like Ahrefs or Uber Suggest by Neil Patel and add them in the video title and description.

  1. No Persuasive Thumbnails

If you are missing customized thumbnails, then instantly do so. Create a persuasive thumbnail for your video to capture more clicks. YouTube also suggests thumbnails from the uploaded video. Well, these may not completely describe the type of content your audience is supposed to view. Therefore, it is highly advisable to create and use custom thumbnails. So, the format should be in .JPG, .GIF, .PNG, or .BMP with resolution of 1280×720 px. Hopefully, the results will be rewarding.

  1. Create Searchable Video Titles

There shouldn’t be such a title that is not articulating the video message. With relevant keywords, you have to create a title that most of the users could search. The title should be short approx. 60 characters with keywords in the beginning words of the title. You would unquestionably see a positive change in the views and subscriber number. 

  1. Video Playlists

While creating a series of videos, you must create a video playlist. Users will see the next videos automatically in the collection and it would be helpful for him to land there. He will not move towards the search bar again. This will achieve user satisfaction and will convince him to be a subscriber. Last but not the least, you have the option of adding the next video suggestion in the end screen as well.   

  1. Adding Watermark in the Video

What is it for? Simply, this subscriber watermark is sort of a reminder to your audience that they should subscribe to the channel without scrolling. When a user will place a cursor on the watermark, a dialog box appears facilitating them to click on it. Moreover, you could decide the duration of the watermark for how much time it will appear on video. 

In a nutshell, your YouTube marketing journey onwards will be exciting with these tried-and-tested tips and you could drive the results that you have been waiting for since long.